Mythical Routes is an idea started by two brothers, an Architect and a Landscape Architect, both passionate Adventure Riders. The central idea of this concept run by an active group of scientists, is the promotion of the Hellenic history, architecture and landscape abroad, from the eyes of an adventure rider.
The website Mythical Routes ( is an online interactive instrument of knowledge, that will help spread the ideas and facts of Ancient Greek Architecture throughout the international Adventure community. A series of expeditions will be showcased that will include mesmerizing routes through the Greek countryside, national parks and picturesque villages and the traditional way of life in the province and the ancient Greek monumental history will highlighted.
For their purposes the team cooperates with a department of the National Technical University of Athens and with adventure oriented companies such as Klim, Altrider and Enduristan. Future partnerships also include BMW Motorrad Hellas and Nikon Hellas.
Mythical Routes has already been showcased and highlighted by the Overland Journal (Winter 2017 edition | and the Social Media of all of their supporters that have embraced this idea.
Meet the Team at Mythical Routes | About Us